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University Interscholastic League (UIL) Information Page

UIL Performance Rights Application

Apply for rights to participate in the UIL competition. (TEXAS RESIDENTS ONLY)

Please review these points carefully before proceeding and filling out our UIL application.

  1. This is not an application for universities. The University Interscholastic League competition is a specific competition for high schools in the state of Texas only. If you are not taking part in the UIL competition, do not use this application. Please use the Scene Application instead.
  2. Only apply for the number of performances that you are sure will take place at the competition or at your school. You can apply for additional performances as you advance. This application allows you to receive UIL licenses via email within minutes. There is no need to worry about not getting permission quickly enough if you advance.
  3. The UIL Application form is the only license we use in connection with the UIL competition. Every school receives the same license, which is specifically written for the UIL competition. You do not need additional permissions or letters to accommodate your selections or "cuts" from our plays, as long as you have followed the rules set out by the UIL.
  4. Please do not ask to make changes or alterations to the text of a play beyond what the license allows. We cannot approve changes that fall outside of the conditions set forth in the license.
  5. For this competition, you may cast girls in male roles without special permission, but they must play those characters as male. We cannot allow groups to otherwise change the gender of characters. If a character is only named by their profession (e.g., a doctor, lawyer, etc.), then the character may be of either gender as long as there are no other indications in the text that the "doctor" or "lawyer" is specifically male or female.
  6. You do not need a receipt or other proof of payment from Dramatists. All you need is a copy of your license. If you check the UIL handbook, you will see that you can provide judges with a copy of your PO, payment or letter from your school indicating that proper payment is being made.
  7. Some spam filters can prevent you from receiving your license. Be sure your email account is set to allow emails from Dramatists Play Service. If your school has a filter, be sure our domain is approved (*, or provide an alternative email in your application that you know will accept our PDF file attachments.
  8. If you have a question about which plays may be "UIL approved," please contact the UIL offices. The plays on that list have been selected by the UIL offices, and not by the Play Service. If a title is in the pulldown menu on our UIL Application form, then you may choose selections from the play for the competition. If it is not on the menu, then the play is unavailable for UIL.

Thank you for reading these notes regarding the University Interscholastic League competition. And good luck in the competition!