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Dark Comedy Farce Historical Melodrama Mystery Romantic Satire Tragedy Thriller

Stage Door (Revised Edition) - ePublication

Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman
Full Length, Comedy
11 men, 19 women (flexible casting)
Total Cast: 30, Interior
ISBN-13: EPUB44035


MIN. PERFORMANCE FEE: $130 per performance. SPECIAL NOTE: This is the 2024 version of STAGE DOOR.
All the theatrical wit, poignant romance, and vibrant characters of the original 1936 classic by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman, but officially revised by their estates to reflect more manageable casting requirements and contemporary sensibilities.

THE STORY: The play concerns a group of young girls who have come to New York to study acting and find jobs. The scene is Mrs. Orcutt’s boarding house, where the hopes and ambitions of the young women are revealed in scenes of entertaining comedy. Contrasted with this are the cases of the girl without talent and the elderly actress whose days are over. The central plot has to do with courageous Terry Randall, who fights against discouragement to a position in the theater where we are sure she will conquer. One of her fellow aspirants gives up in despair, one gets married, and one goes into pictures, but Terry, with the help of idealistic David Kingsley, sticks to her guns. Color and contrast are offered by Mattie, the maid; Frank her husband; a few young men callers; a movie magnate; and young Keith Burgess, the playwright who “goes Hollywood."
NOTE: Can be presented in a single setting. Direction on this and instructions covering slight alterations in the play appear in the back of the script.