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Type of Play

MenWomenTotal Cast

Dark Comedy Farce Historical Melodrama Mystery Romantic Satire Tragedy Thriller


Full Length, Dramatic Comedy
6 women
Total Cast: 6, Flexible Set
ISBN-13: 978-0-8222-4443-1


MIN. PERFORMANCE FEE: $130 per performance.
THE STORY: The pressure is on for the 1998 Lady Train high school basketball team—on top of a battle to bring home the championship trophy, it is also college scouting season. But the team’s performance on the court is tested as it ruptures under the weight of its own infighting, and the once-tight players begin to focus on their individual futures. What does it mean to be a Black girl on the brink of freedom and womanhood in a small town in the South? Does honoring your own wants mean sacrificing your friends, family, and team? This funny and frank play about getting a full-court press from life will have audiences cheering.
“Critic’s Pick! A slam-dunk New York debut! Candrice Jones excels equally in sly humor and in the swift-tongued rhythms of teenage and athletic talk.” —The New York Times.

“The whooping, sighing, applause and interactions of the audience make clear how sharply the play hits home.” —The Daily Beast.

“Pulsatingly good!” —New York Stage Review.