THE STORY: A wry and whimsical documentary musical of loss devised from interviews with real-life New Yorkers by The Civilians, the acclaimed New York-based company. This collection of very personal accounts of things “gone missing” —everything from keys, personal identification and a Gucci pump to family heirlooms, your dog and your mind—creates a unique tapestry of the ways in which we deal with loss in our lives. A flexible company of six performs more than thirty characters, intertwining these stories of lost objects with tales from some unusual “finders,” ranging from a retired NYPD cop to a pet psychic. Set against eclectic and tuneful songs by Michael Friedman, GONE MISSING is cabaret-theater about the little things in life seen largely.
“This delightful comic revue…is fresh, breezy and very funny indeed, a perfect summer entertainment.” —The New York Times.
“GONE MISSING is not merely a witty, quick-footed and entertaining evening of theater; it is also a finely tuned inquiry into the nature of memory that manages to be forward-looking at the same time. GONE MISSING’s links between past and present provide clear evidence of evolution in the world of modern theater. Miss it and weep.” —Time Out New York.
“…engrossing and inventive. And it delivers a stunning payoff in its final scene…both a kick in the gut and a philosophical conundrum. It’s the kind of conclusion that lingers in the mind long after the show that offered it has vanished.” —Variety.
“A startling combination executed with great panache, satirical acumen and covert tenderness.” —The Independent (UK).