THE STORY: This mesmerizing Jacobean thriller, written a few years after Hamlet, is a searing examination of humankind’s social need for justice and our animal desire for vengeance. Vindice, the “Revenger,” sets off a chain reaction of havoc in a corrupt and decadent Venice, which exposes outrageous indulgences and government hypocrisy, and ends in a coup de théâtre massacre of epic proportions. Part black comedy, part social satire, the play is a gleefully macabre plot-twisting blender full of Shakespeare’s greatest hits.
“Dynamite!” —The New York Times.
“A bloody marvel…one of 2005’s Ten Best Productions of the Year.” —Time Out New York.
“Stellar—impressive—exhilarating.” —Variety.
“Delightful!” —Village Voice.
“Highly entertaining…relevant populist entertainment.” —TheaterMania.
“Heated, passionate, red-blooded…Unflagging energy and imagination, Gleeful!” —NYTheatre.
“Jaw-dropping and eye-filling…Heart-pounding…Unforgettable.” —Backstage.