The PlayFinder™

Type of Play

MenWomenTotal Cast

Dark Comedy Farce Historical Melodrama Mystery Romantic Satire Tragedy Thriller

The Gynecologist

One Act, Short Play
2 men, 2 women
Total Cast: 4, ISBN-13: 978-0-8222-0317-9

MIN. PERFORMANCE FEE: $40 per performance.
THE STORY: THE GYNECOLOGIST has an office full of pregnant women, including Dolly Dilly, who thinks she became pregnant while trapped in an elevator with a salesman. The salesman turns out to be the fiancé of the gynecologist’s nurse! Everything gets worked out when it is discovered that the incident with the salesman happened well over nine months ago and that Dolly is simply “growing into her heredity” as the daughter of a circus fat lady.
Included in the collection The Doctor Will See You Now.