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Dark Comedy Farce Historical Melodrama Mystery Romantic Satire Tragedy Thriller

Father of the Bride

Full Length, Comedy
10 men, 6 women, 3 or 4 extras
Total Cast: 19, Interior
ISBN-13: 978-0-8222-4430-1

This play is available as a Signature Acting Edition.
MIN. PERFORMANCE FEE: $130 per performance.
From the novel by Edward Streeter, illustrated by Gluyas Williams.

THE STORY: Mr. Banks learns that one of the young men he has seen occasionally about the house is about to become his son-in-law. Daughter Kay announces the engagement out of nowhere. Mrs. Banks and her sons are happy, but Mr. Banks is in a dither. The groom-to-be, Buckley Dunstan, appears on the scene and Mr. Banks realizes that the engagement is serious. Buckley and Kay don’t want a “big” wedding — just a simple affair with a few friends! We soon learn, however, that the “few” friends’ idea is out. Then trouble really begins. The guest list grows larger each day, a caterer is called in, florists, furniture movers and dressmakers take over, and the Banks household is soon caught in turmoil — not to mention growing debt. When Kay, in a fit of temper, calls off the wedding, everyone’s patience snaps. But all is set right, and the wedding (despite more last-minute crises) comes off beautifully. In the end, the father of the bride is a happy, proud man, glad that the wedding is over, but knowing too that it was worth all the money and aggravation to start his daughter off so handsomely on the road to married life.