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Dark Comedy Farce Historical Melodrama Mystery Romantic Satire Tragedy Thriller

Freak (Leguizamo) - ePublication

Full Length, Comedy
1 actor, 1-36 (flexible casting)
Total Cast: 1, Flexible Set
ISBN-13: 978-0-8222-4436-3


MIN. PERFORMANCE FEE: $130 per performance.
THE STORY: Get caught up in this tour-de-force telling of John Leguizamo’s childhood and adolescence. As his family bounces from neighbor-hood to neighborhood, and his father bounces from dream to scheme to dream, John constantly adapts to meet his surroundings. After learning one final hard lesson from his father, he discovers the key to his success: putting his faith in himself and making something out of nothing.
“…scathingly funny…” —The New York Times.

“Perhaps no comic since Richard Pryor has been better at wringing laughs from horrific childhoods.” —Variety.