Thoughts of a Colored Man - ePublication
THE STORY: Dawn breaks in Brooklyn, and seven black men rise to meet the day. One of them, a finance director, leaves his luxurious condo to jog around their rapidly gentrifying neighborhood, just as a grocery-store clerk is starting another soul-crushing shift. At the bus stop, two best friends debate the intricacies of modern dating, while a basketball coach at the youth center grapples with his unrealized potential. At the hospital, a teacher and his father-in-law welcome a new life. And at the barbershop, the whole group meets for cuts and conversation as sparks fly over questions of identity and community. Through the storytelling style of SLAM Narrative, THOUGHTS OF A COLORED MAN celebrates the hopes, ambitions, joys, and triumphs of black men in a world that often refuses to hear them.
“THOUGHTS OF A COLORED MAN is the most important play of the 21st century!”—Amsterdam News
“A play of immense compassion and keen insight, with a vise-grip on the dreams and disappointments of its characters, THOUGHTS OF A COLORED MAN is a paean to life as both survival and celebration, a tribute and exploration of the black men who find beauty, dignity, frustration and inspiration where they can” —Deadline.
“THOUGHTS OF A COLORED MAN lays essential foundations for embracing the humanity of its subjects, while at the same time longing for a world that obviates its existence.” —Variety
“…the playwright (despite the singular “man” in the title) drives home a main point of the play—that the universe of black men is not monolithic; it’s kaleidoscopic.” —New York Theater.