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MenWomenTotal Cast

Plays by Ernest A. Joselovitz
Full Length
6 men, 3 women (3 of the men and 2 of the women are teenagers) (9 total)
The time is Christmas Eve, the place Bridgehaven Farm, a home for emotionally disturbed teenagers. As preparations for the holiday celebration begin, under the guidance of two compassionate and concerned counselors, a young black man called Oliver and a Jewish woman called Esther, we are increasingly aware of the alienation and resentment the young inmates feel toward society in general and their parents in particular. The depth of their estrangement is revealed first in small ...
One Act
2 men (2 total)
Two writers, a generation apart in age, meet in the older man's study to read over a two-character play which the younger man has written. The play deals with men disturbingly like themselves, and as they read the lines suitable to each it becomes apparent that reality and fantasy have begun to mingle painfully. The younger man is struggling to understand, yet also to break free and to speak in his own voice; the older man tries desperately to defend the memory of better times,...
One Act
2 men (2 total)
As the play begins, Sammi is an old man waiting for the investigator who will check out his application for a pension. When his visitor arrives there are questions to be answered—questions which stir Sammi's memory of happenings which have brought him to what and where he is, and of the wife and son now lost to him. As the action progresses past and present merge, and the two actors are transformed into other people at other times, illuminating the joy, and sadness, which Sammi...